Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Custom Bumper Sticker Giveaway!

Well, the little peepers are supposed to hatch in 6 days!  I'm so excited.  I thought it would be fun to do a giveaway for the person who can come up with the "best hen name".  I will be keeping all the pullets and am at a loss for names. 

The giveaway is for 15 custom bumper stickers that you design from  I just got a custom street sign made after the name of my place here, "Lazy Dog Ranch" and it's awesome.  

What is the "best" hen name?  I suppose that is quite subjective but I'll know it when I read it! 

This is how it works - suggest ONE name in the comment form.  If you refer someone over to my blog who also participates, then you can enter a second name.  I'll announce the winner on Monday morning.  In the meantime, you can browse their site at  The link to the bumper sticker portion is  You will be able to design your sticker any way you want and they have lots of pictures, borders, etc to choose from.  I look forward to seeing what you come up with!  Hope everyone is having a great week.


  1. Finger Licken
    Atilla the Hen

    I figured the first one disqualified me :)

  2. One name?
    ONE name?

    No fair. I feel so limited.

    I have funny ones, silly ones, why... I could even suggest a dirty one.

    Okay...okay... one name.

    Well, it should have meaning and be a bit silly, too.

    Seeing as you were "wondering" if these eggs would hatch or not... my name is:

    WANDA RINN at the Lazy Dog Ranch!

    I'm so excited for these chicks!


  3. My Camellia tree is full of beautiful, red blooms...I vote for Camellia! Good luck on the chicks!

  4. We have a wonderful hen named "Penelope!"


Your comments are much appreciated and enjoyed!