Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My First Blue Egg!

I got a great big "little" suprise after coming home from work yesterday (Monday).  I went in to close up the chicken coop, checked on the girls and almost stepped on something on my way to look at Haughty, the setting hen.  The smallest, most perfect little pretty blue egg!  My Easter Egger, Tu Tu Evans, layed her first egg!  Must have taken her by surprise as it was layed in the middle of the coop, ha ha.  It's the prettiest shade of blue and a bit darker than I expected.  Very small of course, but that will change with some more time.  What a great Monday treat!  Good job, Tu Tu Evans!


  1. Will the egg grow? you said it would change with time? Am I being super blonde at 6am?

  2. Congrats! it's sucj fun to open a carton with a mix of light brown, dark drown, speckled and the beautiful blue and green eggs. One of our Americanas lays a sage green eggs, it's absolutely beautiful!

    Have you candled your eggs the hen is setting on? I'm so excited to see your chicks!
    Our hens won't even think about setting until mid May, so we're thinking about incubating some ourselves, not sure yet, as our time is going to thin with Spring coming*wink*


  3. allene - you're making me laugh! now, THIS egg wont' grow, but the eggs will get bigger and normal size and she continues to lay.

    kelle - where do you get speckled eggs? what breed? i did not candle my eggs and am just gonna let nature take its course on this one. i really didn't "plan" this whole thing... she had just been broody for so long and guilt got the best of me, so i gave her 8 eggs! i may only get 3 or 4 chicks, who knows! i hope you incubate soon... would love to follow that on your blog!

  4. Oh how awesome! Way to go Tu Tu! Of our chicks we raised here, it was the Americana that ended up laying first. Ours lays the sage green eggs. Its going to be fun following your updates on mama hen and her potential babies!

  5. Ahhh, got it! I had to ask.. :) That would be way cool if the egg kept getting bigger and bigger.. making myself laugh now! Thank you SO much for sharing!!! xoxo

  6. kelly - sage green! pretty. you don't post much about your chickens... i think they need a post of their own!

    allene - glad you got a good laugh!

  7. Hopeful,
    I think the speckled ones come from our mutts*wink*
    It's easy to candle them, you don't want rotten ones to rupture and contaminate the good eggs. Simply use a TP cardboard roll and a bright flash light. You should at this point see nothing but a dark area and the air sac in the end( Oh blood vessles too)It won't hurt the eggs to take a quick peek, when it's getting dark works best, then the hen isn't so apt to get off the nest.Any eggs that don't have signs of life( approximately the same stage) I'd remove.

    Still toying with the idea of incubating, we dug out the incubators, just not sure if we'll have the time needed or be able to keep the house warm enough. I'll let you know.


  8. Cool it looks like a BIG robbin egg

  9. Ah, it's so cute! Does a blue egg have a significance? Some say brown eggs taste better than white... Is that really true? If brown eggs taste better than white eggs, then blue eggs must be the best!


  10. farmer - no significance except excitement around here! they're so tiny right now! but we got a second one and it's bigger than the first so they'll be normal size before too long. i think all eggs taste the same regardless of shell color - it's what you feed the chickens that make the good eggs!


Your comments are much appreciated and enjoyed!