Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Little at a Time... Hen House #5

I'm not gonna write much cause I am tired, tired, tired!  Got a break from the heat today (yesterday it was 107 degrees) and we had cloud cover and it was under 100 degrees so I got to get back out and work on the coop.  I have to say I'll be happy when the "building" part is over so I can move to getting the inside ready and then the run.  I still hope to have my chickens by first week of August.  So, here's the latest progress pictures!  The roof will be the last and I still have the 1"x3" boards to run vertically along all four corners of the building which will also be painted red. 


  1. looks so good! You have to be proud of your work Sylvia!

  2. Great progress, lookin' good.


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